The Desert Song Festival represents the Aboriginal language and culture through cultural events and fascinating performances.
This is a festive sequence of great events attended by various choirs of musicians and singers from Alice Springs and Central Australia, which attracts a large audience of spectators, locals and guests. Due to the numerous visitors in Alice Springs during the festival days and the high demand for accommodations it is recommended to check hotel rates and book rooms & tickets well in advance.
The wonderful encounter between artists who come from a multicultural community and international artists reflects cultural diversity and as such it creates a wealth of special musical compositions, a composition that comes to cultivate Aboriginal pride, resilience and social cohesion.
Festival guests will be able to enjoy a variety of events such as:
- Various concerts
- Workshops and master classes
- Concerts performed by quality choirs
- Small vocal ensembles
- Musical solo performances and more.
The festival’s events, which take place at various sites and in unique locations, guarantee the audience an unforgettable multicultural experience.
The festival program, tickets, location of events, hours and schedules, and more, are listed on the festival website – via the link shown below, under the heading “Event Related Information” .
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