Malta Carnival
Once a year, in mid February – start Mrach traditional carnivals are held in Valletta and Nadur on Gozo Island. Colorful parades take place in the streets. Trucks that carry giant colorful dolls, playing bands, children and adults in costumes create joyful carnival atmosphere.
The central events are held in Valletta. Similar but smaller events are held on the nearby towns and villages. The events in the periphery carry mysteries and gloomy nature. Due to the numerous visitors during the carnival days and the high demand for accommodations it is recommended to check hotel rates and book rooms well in advance.
During the carnival’s days the visitors (locals and guests) enjoy freedom feelings and genuine happiness.
Il Karnival.
I flew out to Malta in February 2016 to see the brilliant Maltese Carnival in the capital Valletta and it was outstanding!Even in winter it was dry and 19c as we sat in the stand.
The floats were stunningly beautiful and imaginative.The singing and dancing by the youngsters was a joy and the music was catchy!I had not seen it since I was aged 12 in the 1960s.That was strange as I have had 16 holidays annually in Malta staying at the comfortable welcoming Qawra Palace Hotel.
However,that was always in Spring or Autumn which we find hot coming from Scotland.I would recommend the Carnival to anyone.There is an abundance of places to eat or drink before or after and you will not meet friendlier people than the Maltese.
John Dunfermline.Scotland.
W roku 2024 wraz z małżonkiem mieliśmy przyjemność być w stolicy Malty i uczestniczyć przez kilka dni w Festiwalu karnawałowym. To jest coś niesamowitego. Tego nie da się opisać, to po prostu trzeba zobaczyć, to trzeba przeżyć a było wspaniale i dla oka i dla ucha. Przepiękne stroje, muzyka, śpiew przedstawienia. Oszałamiająca kolorystyka, artyzm strojów zarówno męskich jak i damskich, dzieci i starszych osób. Wielkie platformy pomysłowo przygotowana co jedna to piękniejsza i ciekawsza. Przeżyliśmy cudowne chwile i życzę każdemu a także gorąco polecam kto może się wybrać właśnie na Maltę o okresie ich karnawału.