Generations In Jazz Festival hosts, every year, young and talented jazz artists from all over Australia and New Zealand who compete over various grants. The...
The ”Long Night of Music in Munich” (Die Lange Nacht der Musik) is held yearly, in end May, since 2000. The musical events start simultaneously at...
The International Dixieland Festival Dresden is known as one of the greatest and most quality jazz festival in Europe. The festival started in 1971 and...
Lotto Brussels Jazz Weekend is held every year in the clubs, bars and Brussels’ squares. Concerts in diverse styles like Jazz, Blues, Pank and World Music are...
Once a year, Charleston, South Carolina turns to one great stage of culture showswhen the Spoleto Festival is held The festival started forty years ago. The...
The Manawatu International Jazz and Blues Festival is the second oldest jazz festival in New Zealand. More than 30 years the festival ran over Queens Birthday...
JazzReggae Festival at UCLA is held every year. This is a cultural, artistic and musical fiesta of jazz and reggae concerts performed by known artists. In...
The Newport Beach Festival in California is an annual event of quality jazz, R&B and soul music. The festival attracts every year a large crowd of music...
Jakarta International Java Jazz festival Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, which is located on the main island, Java, holds, once a year, an international...
Capital Jazz Fest is a musical culture and art fiesta that is held every year on start June. The festival started on 1993 and since, every year, it attracts...