The 12,000 residents’ Australian town of Parkes, located in the center of New South Wales. The town holds every year the Elvis Festival. The events...
Louisiana Fur and Wildlife Festival is held every January for more than fifty years. The festival that attracts thousands of visitors, locals and tourist, is...
HCMC Run – The City Marathon to the locals is never just about reaching the finish line but also about the vibes, the excitement and the beautiful...
The Swiss winter never disappoints the artists and sculptors who specialize in artistic sculpture in Ice. Every year, for more than twenty years, when the...
Snow Days Festival in Banff National Park Snow Days Festival in Banff National Park is held for more than 90 years. This is a month of enjoyable winter fiesta...
The Rijeka Carnival takes place, yearly, between the second half of January to the second half of February (different dates). It is one of the famous carnivals...
Miami Beach Art Deco Weekend takes place once a year for more than 100 years. The festival presents the exclusive characteristics of the Art Deco style. This...
San Sebastián is located in the Basque region in north Spain. The city holds, every year, on January 19th – 20th the La Tamborrda fiestas. In these are...
The town Filzmoos in the Province of Salzburg holds, once a year in the second half of January, balloon festival. The festival entertains colorful balloons...
The Taebaek Snow Festival is held, since 1995, once a year in the middle of winter, from the last week of January till the second week of February (different...